Superhero fights hunger with bread in northeast Colombia city

(Photo: La Vanguardia)

Superman, Batman and Spiderman have a new colleague; Super Pan is Colombia’s new and very own superhero trying to fight hunger by giving bread to homeless dwellers.

Super Pan is neither political nor part of some advertising campaign. According to Vanguardia he is just a citizen trying to help people that are forced to live on the street. The information on Super Pan’s Facebook page, which at the moment of publishing this article had 253 likes, is clear and consistent: “Superpan helps people, a great example to follow.”

The official launch of Super Pan was held in Bucamaranga’s Gabriel Turbay library on Friday and the auditorium was filled with citizens all of which had heard of the superhero through social media.

According to the newspaper El Tiempo, Super Pan receives some verbal abuse when doing his rounds, but fortunately most people honk and congratulate him when he is on the road. But Super Pan is not seeking recognition. “I just want to die in the suit helping those in need,” he told El Tiempo.

The newspaper reported Super Pan does not yet have a girlfriend but is still waiting for his so-called “Swiss roll,” for whom he has designed a suit, so the two can fight hunger together.


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