Super-sized baby born in Colombia (VIDEO)

A super-sized baby was born in Colombia on Monday, weighting 11 pounds and measuring 22 inches long.

Baby Sebastian was delivered by cesarean section in Colombia’s northern Caribbean city of Barranquilla on Monday – his size was reportedly a shocking surprise.

“Ultrasounds always showed that the baby would be big … but no so big,” said the father Eduardo Linares to the country’s RCN news station.

The family pediatrician also commented to RCN news claiming, “They are not very common, a baby of great height and weight, at this time I believe it was the biggest born here [in the clinic].”

This jumbo Colombiano was depicted in a video dwarfing another newborn baby. At birth, roughly 95% of babies weight between 5.5 and 10 pounds and will be about 20 inches long, according to pregnancy website What to Expect.



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