Southwest Colombia city ‘shut off’ due to coffee strike

The city of Popayan in southwestern Colombia was reportedly “shut off” from the rest of the country Monday, and as a result, citizens are living through a “critical situation” due to the country-wide coffee strike.

The governor of the southwestern Cauca department on Sunday said that road blocks on routes leading up to Popayan had thrust the city into a “dramatic situation.”

The city on Monday reported a complete lack of basic food stuffs due to the difficulties of transporting goods. Movement within the city was similarly limited due to congestion and a lack of gasoline, while local hospitals said their patients could be affected by the strike because the hospitals have not received their normal medical shipments. The latter led Agriculture Minister 

MORE: Colombia coffee strike to continue: Growers

Reports of disturbances came flooding in on Monday from different regions of the country. In the south-central Huila department, authorities declared a “sanitary emergency” because trash could not be collected. 

According to reports, 25 protestors were injured Saturday as Colombian


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