South American Union supports peace talks progress

Unasur (the Union of South American Nations) on Friday released a statement supporting the Colombian government’s progress in its peace negotiations with FARC.

Unasur’s statement indicated that a possible peace deal would be “a historic opportunity…[that] will have far-reaching significance for Colombia and the continent.”

A negotiated peace deal “will allow you [Colombia] to turn the page and…improve the social and economic situation of the region,” the Unasur statement continued.

Colombia’s President Juan Manuel Santos thanked the multinational organization for its support and ensured them that Colombia will be both transparent and consistent with its communiques regarding peace talks with the continent’s oldest rebel force.

Santos also took the opportunity to fill in his fellow heads of state on Friday with details regarding the ongoing peace talks with the FARC. Santos supposedly expressed his expectations for the remainder of the negotiations which are set to resume on December 5.

The first phase of “formal” peace talks concluded Thursday with the government saying that “progress is on target.”


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