Sofia Vergara’s son releases YouTube video honoring his father

Sofia Vergara‘s son released another video in his YouTube series about life with his celebrity mother, “Mi Vida con Toty,” that included a touching tribute to his father.

The 19-year-old Manolo Gonzalez made a video ahead of Father’s Day this Sunday, honoring Jose Luis Gonzalez, who was married to Vergara until 1993. In the video, Manolo interviews his father, who claims to maintain a good relationship with his childhood sweetheart, Vergara.

Manolo took the chance to reiterate the solid relationship he has with his dad, affectionately known as “Joe.” “My dad has always been my dad and will always be my dad. And no boyfriend that my mom has can replace my dad,” he said.

Most recently, the starlet of the hit American sitcom Modern Family has had an on-again-off-again relationship with U.S. entrepreneur Nick Loeb.

The first episode of “Mi Vida con Toty” was released in April.

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