Sofia Vergara unsure about fiance

Sofia Vergara may not be as certain about her fiance as she once thought as the troubled couple have reportedly entered couples therapy.

According to Colombian newspaper El Espectador

“They recently had their first meeting with the therapist, who has been on the phone and given positive results. It was Sophia who encouraged Nick to help start this program because she wants to be sure that the two are compatible,” noted a purported close friend of Vergara’s.

The couple reportedly had a bit of a tiff at a new year’s party which led to insecurities on Sofia’s part.

“Nick and Sophia had a bitter verbal fight in which he accused her [of flirting] with a mutual friend…Nick [was] quite irritable throughout the party and, ultimately…unloaded his anger [on] the other party goers who were sitting at the next table. Eventually, the incident ended with Sofia [ripping] her dress and with her son, Manolo, leaving the place visibly angry,” said a witness to the feud.

Loeb has been picking up an increasing amount of media attention since he got engaged to the highest-earning woman in U.S. television in 2012 and for his alleged love of cocaine-fueled orgies.

MORE: Loeb only wants Sofia’s cash: Concerned family.

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