Sofia Vergara to stop boyfriend’s senate run?

Is Sofia Vergara slamming the door shut on boyfriend Nick Loeb’s budding political career?

“Sofia to Nick: Don’t Run for Senate!” screamed the headline in American gossip mag the Star. The article went on to claim tensions were running high over Loebs political machinations, citing furious “blowups” over his potential run for the senate.

According to the Star: “Sofia isn’t keen on playing the role of dutiful senator’s girlfriend… She doesn’t want to have to take what his constituents might think into consideration when she goes after parts.”

Alas, the juicy story of an explosive mix of politics and love appears to have been plucked out of whatever air Star hacks are breathing. According to American website Gossip Cop and their sources close to the couple: “Sofia supports Nick and any decision he chooses to make regarding his career. As of now, a decision hasn’t been made and the couple is not focusing on this.”

Sofia seems to be the least of Loeb’s worries, however. According to Business Insider, Republican honchos are uncomfortable with Loeb’s flashy image, with one unnamed strategist apparently calling him a “glorified playboy”. Not exactly Tea Party material then.

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