Sofia Vergara returns to Colombian birth-city Barranquilla

Sofía Vergara has returned to her birthplace of Barranquilla to celebrate the Colombian city’s 200th anniversary.

The successful model and actress returned to the city where she was born for its 200-year anniversary. In an emotional meeting with the national press, Vergara was clearly thrilled to be back in the city and confessed to scoffing three plates of “ajiaco”, a traditional meat and potato dish, at her welcome party the night before. She showered the city in praise and expressed her delight to show fiance Nick Loeb her home turf.

The actress enthused, “Barranquilla is better every time I come. I went two years without visiting and I told my fiance to be prepared. When he is told about Colombia, it’s always ‘Cartagena is divine, Cartagena is marvelous,” and I used to tell him, “Barranquilla is ugly, Barranquilla is hideous.” He was prepared so that when he arrived there, he said “but this is divine.”

According to the Modern Family star, Nick Loeb had already toured the city and she was hoping it would rain to show him the “arroyos” in the city.”

“I don’t know how to explain what an “arroyo” is. They don’t occur in any other city of the world,” the Colombian said.

“Arroyo” refers to dangerous fast flowing rivers that take over the city when it rains. The coastal town of Barranquilla has huge problems with flash-flooding due to inadequate drainage systems.

The actress, 40, claimed she is not ruling out pregnancy but, at the moment, is very dedicated to her career.

While contemplating her career, Vergara also said that she had never let any disadvantages stand in her way of success. On the contrary, she claims that any disadvantages she has faced have motivated her to move forward.

Asked whether she considered her Colombian accent a disadvantage, the model and actress replied, “I would be ungrateful if I moaned about my accent preventing me from doing something. It has been more difficult because I am in the United States and there were no roles for Latinas, but it would be ungrateful for me to focus on this limitation.”

Finally the star acknowledged the talent of North American actors and claimed she is always learning from them because they have supported her career a lot.


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