Sofia Vergara muses on eventual wedding

Sofia Vergara has confessed that she does think of her future wedding, reported local media Wednesday.

The famous Colombian native boasts a huge engagement ring that her boyfriend Nick Loeb gave her during the celebration of her 40th birthday in July, and admitted that she has thought about the eventual marriage.

However, as of now Vergara doesn’t have any wedding plans for this year, but that doesn’t mean she couldn’t be before the altar in the next year or two.

“I still don’t know when, or how. I planned my birthday for six months, so I’m still not ready to plan anything. We’re not eager right now because we have a great life, we travel a lot. We will see, little by little, when we have time,” said Vergara in regards to her future marriage.

The famed actress expressed that she’s experiencing some of the greatest moments of her life; her career is at an all time high, her sentimental life is going through a beautiful stage and she is extremely proud of her 21 year old son, Manola.

She didn’t discard the wedding or even the possibility of having another child, but she has confessed that it won’t happen until a little later in her life since her life is so full with work right now.

The Colombian beauty, named the 75th most powerful woman in the world, has been nominated for the third time for an award for her role as Gloria in the hit U.S. tv-comedy “Modern Family.”

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