Shakira’s not the marrying kind

shakira and boyfriend

Colombian queen of pop Shakira says she has no plans to get married, and doesn’t think she EVER will!

The hip-shaker told U.S. magazine Cosmopolitan “there’s something very claustrophobic about the idea of marriage for me. I feel that men can get comfortable.”

The Colombian singer didn’t completely slam the idea of matrimony but said that, in her opinion, people should live their own lives first.

“Sometimes, I think the most stable marriages start after 30, after you’ve lived so much and done so much and met so many people.”

But don’t feel too bad for the singer’s long-term boyfriend Antonio de la Rua – Shakira says that she remains totally in love and committed to him. She’d just rather he think of her as his “eternal girlfriend.”

And although there may be no hint of wedding bells for the Barranquilla-born pop star, are those the howls of a mini-She Wolf we can hear?

Shakira has said that she feels ready to start a family with de la Rua.

“My body clock isn’t going crazy, but I feel ready. My body feels ready. Antonio and I have talked about it and it’s the next step for us.”

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