Shakira’s ex denies lawsuit

Shakira’s ex-fiance has denied presenting a lawsuit against the Colombian singer, reported La W Radio Friday.

After rumors surfaced Wednesday that Antonio de la Rua was suing his former partner for $250 million, his lawyer Alberto Petracchi stepped in to clarify the situation by emitting a statement that denied the alleged lawsuit.

La W Radio released the alleged statement by Petracchi, De la Rua’s lawyer, which said the following: —

“Shakira Mebarak and Antonio de la Rua

In the face of multiple incorrect versions that recently appeared in the press, a brief clarification has been made concerning the subject.

Shakira and De la Rua have terminated their commercial partnership that had joined them for 12 years. It is the end of a partnership that has generated multiple economic successes, and the liquidation of said partnership is endorsed by the justice system to ensure the best agreement of termination between the two parties. The case refers exclusively to the businesses and ventures developed with the joint support of both partners.

In continuation, I will transcribe the statement that the partners made a little over a year ago, when they announced their decision to continue forward with their commercial partnership to which I now refer, that is today finished and in the process of liquidation.

‘Antonio continues conducting all of my business and career interests as he always has. We continue forward as business partners, developing projects together hand in hand and in permanent communication,’ said Shakira in France, January 2011.

No lawsuit exists between the two parties relating to the sentimental relationship that they maintained for 11 years as a couple. It deals exclusively with the dissolution of a partnership that tied them together professionally and commercially for 12 years, that the lawyers of both sides have to define in the following months.” —

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