Shakira, Pique spied on by hired dick


Gerard Pique’s old soccer coach hired a private investigator to tail the FC Barcelona star and his Colombian lady friend, Shakira, in a case of extreme micromanagement.

In an effort to keep his players in line, Pep Guardiola, who managed Barcelona from 2008 to 2012, reportedly had the club’s more noteworthy stars tailed by private eyes. An investigator from the Spanish agency Method 3 allegedly followed Pique and Shakira because Guardiola suspected his defender of partying too hard.

Pique, who’s anti-spy radar must be quite responsive, complained about the tail to Guardiola. The manager, famous for his meticulous micromanament of players, shrugged off the accusation claiming that the spies were actually just paparazzi.

However intrusive Guardiola’s methods might seem, they are undeniably effective. 

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