Shakira nominated for global human rights award

Colombian singer Shakira has been nominated for a Prince of Asturias Concord award for her charity and humanitarian work, reported Colombian media Friday.

The nomination has come in recognition of her involvement with the Barefoot Foundation, Latin Americans in Solidarity [ALAS] and as a goodwill ambassador for Unicef.

The Barefoot Foundation was set up by Shakira and focuses on providing education to children in developing nations who would otherwise not have access to it.

The award has been issued since 1986 to a person, institution, or group of people that has significantly contributed to peace, the defence of civil liberties, environmental conservation, or worked against poverty, disease and social problems.

The only other Colombian to win the award was former Presidential candidate Ingrid Betancourt in 2008, following her release from captivity at the hands of the FARC.

The global award is considered the second most significant humanitarian accolade after the Nobel Peace Prize and will be presided over by the Prince of Asturias and Queen Sofia of Greece.

The ceremony will take place in Oviedo, the capital of the northern Spanish province of Asturias.

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