Shakira married in secret ceremony?

Speculation abounds regarding whether or not Shakira has tied the knot in a secret ceremony in the Dominican Republic.

If the gossip rags are to be believed, the world has stopped turning, awaiting confirmation with bated breath. Mira magazine even went so far as to publish doctored wedding photos to appease rabid fans desperate for marriage news – whether the wedding actually occurred being of small consequence.

Shakira has been dating longtime boyfriend and son of Argentina’s ex President Antonio de la Rua for nine years, a lifetime in tabloid terms when she could have already married and divorced him many times over by now, preferably in highly publicised rows and passionate reunions.

Terra Argentina and blod Vida Celebridad breathlessly reported Monday that “the alleged groom’s father [has] cancelled various political engagements to tend to a ‘very important family matter’ in Santo Domingo” last weekend.

As for the supposed bride-to-be herself, Shakira has been dodging wedding rumours for years: “[Love] is my primary nourishment. I think that nothing
else in life, not even your career or music – well, what I’m saying is
a bold statement – I think that nothing can substitute love as the
propelling force of everyone’s lives. It’s number one on my list of
priorities, of course.”

But are they going to tie the knot, or not?

“We’ll get married eventually, or we won’t, but we’re together and that’s what matters,” Shakira told People en Español in 2007. “We love each other
and we want to stay like that. Why fix something that’s not broken?”

Why indeed. 

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