Scaly assassin caught in northern Colombia

colombia news/alligator

Residents in a small north Colombian town were perplexed as to why their chicken and pig population was gradually diminishing until the answer came in the form of a sewer-dwelling alligator.

The case occurred in San Carlos, a town in the northern department of Cordoba, where residents keep a small amount of livestock in their backyards.

For some time, animals had simply disappeared until a group of locals decided the time for action had come and began to investigate.

To their surprise, the scaly assassin was discovered in a water pipe, where he apparently dragged back his prey, unbeknownst to the unsuspecting locals.

One brave resident managed to apprehend the six foot six five inch animal before moving it to a local police station. The police then passed it on to the Regional Autonomous Corporation of the Sinu Valley and San Jorge (CVS), an agency that deals in conservation within the northern department.

The townsfolk did take the time to thank God for protecting the town’s children who, oddly, played in the water pipe regularly.

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