Santos’ urban approval rating drops to 44%: Poll

A poll published Sunday by newspaper El Tiempo confirmed the urban approval rating of Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos has dropped below his disapproval rating.

According to the poll, 43.9% of the respondents said to approve of their president’s policies against 49.7% who said to disapprove.

The poll, published two days before Santos’ two year anniversary as president of Colombia, confirmed results of a poll published last week in which 47% of the respondents approved of the president and 48% disapproved.

According to the latest poll, 63.2% of the respondents would not vote for Santos’ if elections were held today.

Colombians are mostly negative about the Santos administration’s security policies. 69.3% of the respondents said to disagree with how the president handles rebel groups, neo-paramilitaries, drug gangs and urban gangs.

Ironically, Defense Minister Juan Carlos Pinzon received the approval of 63.4% of the respondents.

Not just Colombia’s executive branch can count on the disapproval of the Colombian people, according to the poll. Congress received the disapproval of 74.8% of the respondents while Colombia’s Supreme Court, State Council and Constitutional Court respectively received the disapproval of 51.6%, 47.1% and 49.6%.

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