Santos begins ‘Presidential Tour of Colombia’

Following a recent drop in popularity, Colombia’s president began a national campaign Monday in the hope of garnering support and promoting his administration’s achievements since taking office.

After nearly two years as Colombia’s head of state, Juan Manuel Santos and his ministers will visit several major cities and municipalities to promote the recent successes of his government from July 23 to August 6. Each day will be dedicated to a different topic.

Santos’ first stop will be Ibague, in the central western department of Tolima, where he will be joined by Minister Maria Fernanda Campo to endorse the government’s advances in universal education. Since 2010, the Santos administration has reduced the illiteracy rate from 6.3% a 5.8%, overseen the construction of nearly 2000 classrooms and slashed the interest rate on student loans.

Over the next two weeks Santos will also reaffirm the government’s achievements with regards to the economy, mining and energy, national security, foreign affairs, public welfare and tourism.

The tour comes amid sliding approval ratings for Santos, as indicated by various recent poll numbers, including a Detaxco poll from late June showing Santos’ personal approval rating at 55%, a ten-point decrease from April.

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