“Chávez assassination was plotted in Colombia”

The Venezuelan commission that investigated the alleged plans to
assassinate President Hugo Chávez, says the “center of gravity” of part
of that plot was being brewed in Colombia.

Commission chairman Mario Isea spoke of three plots to assassinate Chávez.

“We know that a plan A against president Chávez would be blowing up the plane he uses…Plan B would consist in attacking the president with the cannon found in the state of Zulia…Plan C would be attacking him no matter what surrounding he might
be in…no matter if there is a mass of people or security officials. And
that last plan has its center of gravity in Colombia,” Isea said.

According to the commission, there has been paramilitary activity in the Western state of Zulia, the state most important for the country’s oil industry and predominantly not in favor of Chávez’ and his policies.

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