Santos asks for ‘moderation’ from judicial officials

Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos stated his respect and compliance with the rulings of the high courts but requests moderation so that rights such as the security of the nation will not be affected, local media reported Friday.

The president spoke regarding the computers of FARC commander “Raul Reyes,” which the Colombian Supreme Court deemed inadmissible as evidence, and the $1 million fine the state must pay victims for the FARC taking of Las Delicias military base.

The head of state said that the rulings regarding the computers and Las Delicias, creates a “deep unease,” Caracol Radio reported Friday.

Santos said “My respectful request to all the judicial staff of our country is to consider their decisions within the framework of the principles and values of our constitution so that the important rights such as the right to security and the right to the truth for the victims are not affected.”

The president continued “How are we going to tell a military or police commander that he can’t send his soldiers or police officers to protect the civilian population or national infrastructure in unsafe zones?”

“If we send them .. we expose the nation and we expose ourselves to a sentence if the soldiers die or end up injured. If we don’t send them we could be accused of omission for not complying with the duty to protect the nation.”

Santos also said that he political powers should work “in harmony” to guarantee the defense of justice, truth and security.

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