Porn producers want Colombia soccer legend Tino Asprilla in adult flick

Faustino Apsrilla (Photo: El Colombiano)

A Colombian porn company on Wednesday published an open letter, offering soccer legend Faustino Asprilla $10,000 to become an adult star for a week.

On its website, Santa Latina told the 43-year-old former player that “we have been following your successful career for years, which has turned you into an invaluable national icon in Colombia.”

Consequently, the porn producers wanted to make “El Tino” a “unique offer” to “exploit the other talent Colombia knows you have.”

Santa Latina claimed to produce content for world-famous adult brands like Penthouse and BangBros.

Asprilla was a Colombian player during the “golden years” of the 1990s. The soccer legend retired in 2009.


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