Police capture ‘Mono Jojoy’ security ring

Police arrested six former bodyguards of deceased FARC leader alias “Mono Jojoy” who were hiding in various Colombian cities.

Caracol Radio reported Thursday that according to Police Chief Humberto Guatibonza, six guerrillas associated with the former leader were found and detained in various urban centers in the past several hours. Until recently, the presence of these guerrillas had gone undetected.

The arrests, which took place in Bogota and municipalities in the departments of Cundinamarca and Meta, were made by the GUALA branch of national police, which is responsible for preventing kidnapping and extortion.

The police chief said the search was undertaken on the orders of a prosecutor who had accused the six guerrillas of participating in the Miraflores, Guaviare massacre in August 1998, in which three civilians and 16 members of the public forces were killed.

Some of the guerrillas had since continued to perform intelligence operations for the FARC and others had deserted the organization, according to Gautibonza

Mono Jojoy, the leader of the FARC’s Eastern Bloc, was killed in an airstrike operation by Colombian armed forces in September 2010.

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