Piedad Cordoba demands $3M compensation as victim of wiretapping

Former Senator Piedad Cordoba is set to sue the Colombian State for over $3 million in compensation for illegal interceptions during the ‘chuzadas’ wiretapping scandal.

BACKGROUND: Colombia’s Dirty War: ‘Chuzadas’ and the future of the DAS

According to Cordoba, “the damages and losses” that she was subjected to as a result of the illegal interceptions carried out against her by the now-defunct Department of Administrative Security (DAS), both affected her freedom and put her life, and the lives of her family, in danger.

Cordoba’s lawsuit was filed against the Presidency, the Ministry of Defense, the National Police and the DAS. O

Cordoba is currently serving an 18 year ban from serving in public office for alleged ties to left wing rebel group FARC. The former Liberal Party Senator last year lodged an appeal against the 2010 decision, which is now under consideration by the State Council.

MORE: State Council upholds Piedad Cordoba’s ban from politics


PROFILE: Piedad Cordoba


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