Colombia peace talks to continue through congressional elections

Andres Paris

The peace delegation of Colombia’s oldest active rebel group, the FARC, announced they will continue to negotiate with the Colombian government through congressional elections, according to local media reports.

FARC negotiator Jesus Emilio Carvajalino, alias “Andres Paris,” reportedly said that the backdrop of the peace process will “enrich all of the political processes that are happening in Colombia.”

Paris went on to say that, over the course of ongoing peace talks, held since November 2012 in Havana, Cuba, the FARC has brought nearly 250 proposals to the negotiating table.

These proposals “can articulate perfectly the banners of the distinct political sectors that strive for power in these elections,” the leader was quoted as saying.

Currently the two delegations are discussing the problem of illicit drugs, the third of six agenda items in the talks. This is the fourth historic round of peace talks in the near 50-year history of the FARC.

Congressional elections will be held throughout Colombia on March 9. Presidential elections, meanwhile, are scheduled for May of this year.


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