Padre Chucho faces slander charges

Padre “Chucho,” Colombia’s holiest TV personality and a moral authority for millions of Catholic housewives, faces slander charges over comments made in the priest’s morning talk show.

Plaintiff Gustavo Rodriguez claims he was unjustly portrayed as a heartless wife-beater by the celebrity priest in a 2008 episode of Padre Chucho’s morning talk show “Cura del Alma” (Cure of the Soul).

In an episode called “My daddy wants to kick us out onto the street,” Rodriguez’s ex-wife accused him, the father of her children, of having physically abused her. In that episode, the RCN-priest concluded that “this man belongs in prison.”

Rodriguez however denies the abuse and decided to sue his ex-wife and Colombia’s holiest man for slander.

Padre Chucho told newspaper El Tiempo that the charges against him were dropped, but according to Rodriguez’s attorney, Chucho is not yet out of legal trouble and is still under investigation.

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