Officials concerned over increased child labor during holidays

Cali authorities on Tuesday expressed concern about an increase in child labor during the holiday season.

According to the Committe for the Eradication of Child Labor and Protection of Working Youth, family violence, poverty, and the absence of an adult in the home are the factors which lead children to the streets.

El Pais reported Monday that there are 43,208 child laborers in the Valle del Cauca department.

“Children who enter the work force early can learn dicipline and reponsibility, they can also develop abilities related to their independence, but it’s not a rosy picture. The same child can also become aggressive because adults act that way, and they may lose their love for their studies. Even worse, they are more exposed to the consumption of drugs and sexual exploitation. The world on the streets is like that”, said Khassir Moncayo Rojas, project coordinator for The Foundation for Family Orientation (FUNOF).

FUNOF reported that children most commonly find employment as housekeepers, recyclers, and street vendors.

According to the International Labor Organization (ILO), in Colombia there are more than 1.6 million child laborers in Colombia.

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