New York Stock Exchange to hold 2nd Colombia Day


The New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) will dedicate its September 10 trading to Colombia and organize several meetings between Colombian companies and U.S. investors.

Some 15 representatives of Colombian companies will be on the stock exchange’s podium and ring the bell that opens trading on the world’s largest stock market, the spokeswoman for the initiative, Maria Barona, told Colombia Reports.

“Colombia Day has one very important goal: to bring positive exposure to the growing and exciting Colombian financial markets,” Baron said.

On September 11, Colombia’s new trade minister, Mauricio Cardenas, will speak before investors at an event organized by investment banking giant J.P. Morgan.

Among the Colombian companies attending the events is Bancolombia, one of two companies from the South American country whose stocks are traded on the NYSE.

The 2012 edition of Colombia day is the second of what has become an annual event.

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