No quid pro quo for Green Party joining coalition: Santos

Colombia News - Green Party

The Green Party did not join the government’s coalition in exchange for ministry positions, according to President Juan Manuel Santos said Thursday.

Santos defended the recent welcoming of the Green Party to the president’s congressional coalition, saying that recent meetings pertained to the regular legislative agenda.

“The meeting at Casa de Nariño was simply to take a look at a number of agreements we made a while back,” said Santos. The head of state added that the alliance was “made in exchange for nothing; [the Green Party] did not ask for any bureaucratic quota.”

Green Party spokesman, Luis Eduardo Garzon, denied any sort of transaction implied by the recent joining of the Green Party with the political coalition.

“We will do what is clearly based on the government’s legislative agenda,” said Garzon.

In addition, Lucho said that his party “is not playing a game,” because this “is an agreement without mystery and a ministry.”

Disputes about the arrival of the Green Party to the “national unity” coalition have incited disputes within the party.

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