News from the coast: ‘Horny’ donkey bites children

The owner of a donkey in the north Colombian department of Cordoba threatens to sell the animal, after it attacked the owner’s two children, in an apparent hormonal rage.

According to a report in local newspaper El Heraldo, the donkey attacked the twelve-year-old boy and his six-year-old sister when it was being tied to a fence, so it wouldn’t be in the way while the children worked the field.

The donkey, whose name was not revealed by the newspaper, did not accept this depravity of his freedom and bit the boy who was tying him up in the thigh, close to the kid’s genitals.

Alarmed by her brother’s screams, the brave little sister ran to the scene and tried to pry open the donkey’s jaws to release her older brother from his painful situation, but was bitten in her left hand by the donkey.

The children’s mother took her offspring to the local hospital, where doctors immediately treated both victims.

According to the kids’ father, the donkey’s behavior is the last straw. “I am going to sell this damn donkey so that this won’t happen again, even though it has never behaved this aggressively before,” he told El Heraldo.

The family’s neighbor, himself the owner of a female donkey, says the donkey responded aggressively, because it has the hots for its donkey neighbor. “This donkey is no gentle dove,” he testified. “One may look at him with his ears down and his eyes half-closed and think he would not kill a fly, but when he is horny, dear mother, you have to be very careful.”

A hard-working El Heraldo reporter consulted an animal scientist, who advises parents to be careful when they send their children out in the field to deal with animals three times their size.

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