New hostel inspired by Gabriel Garcia Marquez

A Dutchman opened a new hostel in Colombian author Gabriel Garcia Marquez’s hometown of Aracataca, inspired by the magical realism of his works, reported newspaper El Tiempo.

Tim Aan’t Goor was teaching English in the department of Magdalena when a friend invited him to the writer’s birthplace. He was immediately captivated by the town where Marquez spent his childhood and teenage years.

Within six months of his visit, Aan’t Goor returned and renovated an old house to create an inviting accommodation for tourists who are attracted to the area that inspired the literary creations of the Nobel Prize winner.

Aracataca is an important stop on the new “Macondo Route” in the in the north of Colombia, which tours the sites of Marquez’ classic novel One Hundred Years of Solitude.

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