Multi-talented diva Carolina Cruz gives simultaneous photo shoot, interview

Colombian television presenter and former beauty queen Carolina Cruz strutted her stuff for Ellas magazine, a subsidiary of newspaper El Espectador.

The Cali-born RCN presenter recently posed for the newspaper’s entertainment magazine Ellas, and gave an interview as part of the photo shoot.

Cruz is one of the country’s most sought after models, and reportedly has not only more Twitter followers than any other female model in Colombia, but also more than the president.

The Colombian beauty, however, believes that her success lies in being not only a model and presenter, but also a businesswoman.

“Success is firstly not believing in the myth of fame.  The subject of being a business woman changes the mentality of the people, and that’s why I think that innovating, studying, and preparing oneself to do things differently — that’s what makes a person successful,” said Cruz.

See the interview and photo shoot exclusives below.

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