Colombian bombshell to be Britain’s Miss Universe

tara hoyos martinez

Judges at the 2010 Miss Universe competition wouldn’t be blamed for thinking that Britain’s entrant has the wrong sash on. With cascading brunette locks, sultry brown eyes and olive skin, this year’s entry is no English Rose, but a latina bombshell.

The British candidate for 2010, Tara Hoyos-Martinez, was born to Colombian parents living in England.

The lovely latina progressed through the British qualification rounds of the Miss Universe contest, seeing off hundreds of competitors with her startling beauty to be crowned the national winner.

The 19-year-old stunner will be jetting out to Croatia to represent Great Britain later this year in the next stage of the competition.

Hoyos-Martinez is a student of Medicinal and Biological Chemistry at Manchester Metropolitan University and plans on studying a post-graduate course to become a surgeon.

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