Mismatched RCN presenters a mess at Miss Colombia

The female presenters for television channel RCN didn’t look as professional or glamorous as they might have hoped while presenting this year’s Miss Colombia competition due to an uncooperative wardrobe and makeup team.

Each of the four presenters brought out by RCN to cover the event had a separate wardrobe and makeup crew, resulting in the ladies looking oddly mismatched while appearing in the same shots.

The presenters, Laura Acuña, Carolina Cruz, Taliana Vargas and Ana Katalina Torres, wore clashing outfits with hairstyles and makeup that didn’t work with one another and had obviously been done by different stylists.

Fashion victim Laura Acuña, who is known for her unfortunate on screen outfits, was particularly noticeable for having messy hair and a tacky makeup job, paired with a shiny purple lycra number.

Carolina Cruz, recently made the face of Pantene, was the only one of the girls that looked ready for camera with sleek hair and neat makeup that flattered her lovely face.

Ana Katalina Torres on the other hand looked like she’d been having too much fun up in the sunny resort town of Cartagena and appeared on screen with the look of someone who’d had one too many tequila sunrises the night before.

The girls presented the news poolside, from the beautiful resort town of Cartagena, as part of the special events for the finals of the Miss Colombia competition.

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