Military steps up operations against Nariño drug gangs

A stepped up military offensive in Nariño leaves behind a dismantled illegal oil refinery and the eradication of over 18,000 coca bushes, according to the Colombian army.

An illegal refinery, used by the criminal gang “Los Rastrojos” to process crude oil was found in the village of El Llorente, and safely dismantled and destroyed by the army.

A large storage tank, 765 gallons of petroleum and 840 gallons of gas was found on the site.

In the El Guadual municipality of Samaniego, the army successfully eradicated over 18,000 bushes of coca used by drug traffickers.

In the village of El Pinder in Tumaco, anti-narcotics troops coordinated with police to destroy two plantations and 7,000 bushes of coca.

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