Colombia military experts will assist in peace process: Govt

Juan Carlos Pinzon (Photo: Defense Ministry)

A group of military experts will advise the negotiating team in Havana on issues such as demobilization and weapons delivery, local media reported Saturday.

At the end of a security council meeting this weekend, Defense Minister Juan Carlos Pinzon announced that President Santos has ordered the creation of an advisory group of military and police experts, reported Caracol radio.

“The President has been reporting to police and military regarding decisions of the peace process. Several weeks ago we gave instruction to prepare a team of military experts to support the delegates with their experience,” said Pinzon, according to Caracol.

Pinzon went on to say that the group will consist of experts in demobilization and weapons delivery, who are to support negotiators at the Havana peace talks.

The minister said that he will be revealing the identities of the expert advisors in the next few days.

Delegations of the FARC, Colombia’s largest rebel group, and the government are currently negotiating the issue of victims reparation, the fourth of six points in the Havana peace talks.

MORE: Colombia government, FARC rebels thank victims for ‘courage and candor’




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