‘Memories of My Melancholy Whores’ by Garcia Marquez will be filmed in Mexico

The novel ‘Memories of My Melancholy Whores’ by Colombian Nobel laureate Gabriel Garcia Marquez will be brought to screen with Mexico as the shooting location.

Filming will take place in the city of Puebla, about 120 kilometers from Mexico City, thanks to joint production between the governments of Mexcio, Spain and Denmark as well as multinational corporations Televisa and Femsa.

“Both the Spanish and Danish governments are enthusiastic and look set to pledge a significant sum to the films production,” declared Gerardo Perez, the financial secretary of state for Puebla, whose government will also participate in the project. According to Perez, the production budget for the film will reach around US$ 8 million.

The Internet Movie Database afirms that the project will include danish director Henning Carlsen and mexican actor Damian Alcazar (Herod’s Law).

Puebla is one of the most popular Mexican states used among cinematographers. In 2008 it was the setting for Mexican blockbuster ‘Tear This Heart out’ and has been the location for the filming of several soap operas.

Garcia Marquez has seen other works of his brought to cinema, to name a few, ‘Chronicle of a Death Foretold’, ‘No One Writes to the Colonel’ and the epic Colombian tale ‘Love in the Time of Cholera’.

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