Medellin to host literature festival

The fourth Feria Popular Dias del Libro book festival will take place in Medellin on 22 and 23 April at the Museo de Arte Moderno (MAMM) and the Biblioteca Publica Piloto (BPP), reports Pues Pues!

The event will be attended by the Colombian writer Ramon Illan Bacca and Italian writer Francesco Tonucci, and will open with a lecture by Colombian poet Juan Manuel Roca.

A book fair will be held in the Carlos E. Restrepo park, featuring Colombian authors who have not as yet attracted much media attention, including Elkin Restrepo, Oscar Castro Garcia, Juan Diego Mejía, Guillermo Cardona, and Claudia Ivonne Giraldo.

Activities include workshops with ten local authors, a trade show, storytelling, theater, audio-visual works and conferences.

Entry to the festival’s events is free.

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