Maritza Rodriguez lands starring role on US network

The American network Telemundo has cast the Colombian actress as the lead in its new telenova, “La Casa de al Lado” (The House Next Door), revealed El Tiempo Sunday evening.

Maritza Rodriguez will star as Pilar Arismendi in the telenova, which is the story of two families attempting to solve a murder mystery.

The actress describes her new role as the protagonist as “a new beginning, a greater responsibility to the public and the producers… to show a more mature actress.”

Indeed Rodriguez’ character in “La Case de al Lado” is a complex one, requiring her to depict the suffering of a victim of domestic violence.

Pilar’s abusive husband is played by Miguel Varoni, a fellow Colombian.

A native of the Caribbean city of Barranquilla, Rodriguez left Colombia in 2001, following her role in “Amantes del Desierto” (Lovers of the Desert), to pursue her acting career in the United States.

Luckily for Colombians, Rodriguez hopes to eventually return to act in her home country.

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