Lugar a Dudas: A cultural center for Cali

When in Cali, “Lugar a Dudas” is the place to go for films, art and culture.

Colombia Travel Agent – Mantaraya Travel

Situated in Granada, Cali’s restaurant district, it features a residence for visiting artists, an exhibition space, a movie screening room and a collection of over 4,000 books about modern art from the 1950s onwards.

The site was created in 2005 by university professor Oscar Muñoz in order to stimulate cultural interest among the town’s young people.

Site coordinator Sally Mizrachi explains that violence and narco-trafficking severely weakened Cali’s art institutions in the ’80s and ’90s, and the city is only now experiencing a renaissance in its cultural life, after being a hub for art in Colombia in the ’50s and ’60s.

“Local artists create their own collectives – they form their own projects and look for their own spaces,” Mizrachi said.

This month, an exhibition called “Fallen Fruit” is on show at Lugar a Dudas. It is a project about global banana consumption, and its impact on Colombia, created by former resident artists who spent two weeks in Colombia in March 2009.

Eric Rohmer is the institution’s featured director for Feburary, and every Tuesday throughout the month, Lugar a Dudas will host a premier for local documentarians from Valle del Cauca.

For more information, visit

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