Juanes threatened over Cuba concert

Colombia news - Juanes Cuba

Colombian pop star Juanes filed a complaint at the Miami police
department after having received threats over his planned concert in
Cuba, Telemundo reported Wednesday.

The singer has been receiving fierce criticism after he announced he would play in Havana on September 20. A large number of Cuban exiles consider the concert a sign of support for the Castro regime that has ruled the Caribbean island since the Cuban revolution in the 1960’s.

On his Twitter page, Juanes was involved in discussions with fans and critics over the concert, but some used the microblogging service to threaten the rocker.

Telemundo had access to the Key Biscayne police report, wherein Juanes denounces the anonymous threats.

One of the threats said “I hate what you are saying, but you will die defending your right to say it,” an alteration of a sentence of French philosopher Voltaire who originally wrote “I do not share what you say, but I will defend until death your right to say it.”

According to Telemundo, the singer is now considering suspending the controversial concert. However, in an interview with Spanish newspaper El Pais, Wednesday Juanes said the concert was still on.

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