The Venezuelan Government again took a swing at Colombian Defense
Minister Juan Manuel Santos, saying he is a “threat to stability and
the sovereignty of countries in the region.”
According to Caracas’ Foreign Ministry, Santos “shows contempt for international law by asserting that attacking illegal armed forces outside the border is an act of self defense and a doctrine that is more and more accepted by the international community and law.”
The Venezuelan Government finds Santos’ attitude “despicable” and accuses him of “crass ignorance”.
Santos has defended the attack on a FARC camp on Ecuadorean soil a year ago as a legitimate action in the fight against terrorism.
The Defense Minister’s remarks on Monday have already led to threatening words from Ecuadorean President Rafael Correa, who told Santos “not to mess with Ecuador.”
It is not the first time that Caracas has taken offense to words of the Defense Minister. Colombian President Álvaro Uribe, while trying to improve ties with Colombia’s biggest export market, was forced to call his Minister back in line after Caracas objected to remarks made by Santos, widely considered a hawk in the Uribe administration.