Joe Arroyo receives last sacrament

Salsa Master Joe Arroyo received the last sacrament from a bishop on Monday night, with his health in a critical condition.

Bishop Victor Tamayo, who visited Arroyo in a Barranquilla hospital last night, said to friends and family of Arroyo that they “wait for the will of god in peace and through prayer.”

“It is with those who are debilitated by the disease to strengthen, support and prepare spiritually for it is definitely the time to meet with God,” said Tamayo.

According to the bishop, doctors indicated that Arroyo’s “situation was pretty bad.”

A recent statement to the press indicated that Joe Arroyo’s deteriorating health condition has become increasingly severe during the past five days. The statement indicated that the internationally renowned salsa singer was suffering from multiple organ failure, among other issues.

The singer, 55, is undergoing dialysis treatment, breathing with the help of a ventilator.”His condition is critical and is under strict medical observation,” says the newsletter that broke the silence of the medical center after more than 10 days.

Arroyo is considered one of Colombia’s greatest salsa artists of all time. He has been performing since 1971. He made his last recording in November last year.

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