Jessica Cediel defends her right to strip down

jessica cediel colombia

Jessica Cediel, Colombia’s sexiest TV presenter ever and official owner of the country’s best booty, defended her right to flash her banging bod whenever she fancies, but said (much to the disappointment of Colombia’s male population) that she probably wouldn’t go to work in her swimming costume.

According to the stunning hottie, her right to exhibit her lady lumps is “my body is a gift from god, a gift from my mother’s anatomy, and you can’t hide it,” she told entertainment rag Elenco.

According to Elenco, Colombia’s most attractive TV host has come under fire in the past from people more conservative than herself, who have criticized her for her almost constant appearances wearing next to nothing.

Cediel showed she has a rational side though, when she announced “in my role as a television presenter, going around in a bikini all the time probably wouldn’t make sense.”

Since leaving her role as presenter on Colombia’s stupidest television show “Muy Buenos Dias,” Cediel has received a number of exciting opportunities, many of which reportedly do not require clothing.

The curvacious cutie said that, despite the rumors of cat fights that seem to follow Cediel like a bad smell, she is still friends with her “Muy Buenos Dias” co-stars. She also alleged that some of the fans of Colombia’s stupidest television program regularly beg Deciel to return, or tell her that they miss her. For Cediel, “this is priceless.”

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