Jessica Cediel chucks a tantrum in Cartagena

TV presenter and professional babe, Jessica Cediel, made quite a scene last week in Cartagena when she turned up univited at the party for magazine “Caras.”

According to gossip program Sweet, Jessica Cediel turned up univited, poorly dressed and looking far from her usual well- presented and babealicious self, only to find out she wasn’t on the guest list.

Once voted Colombia’s finest booty, Miss Cediel was less than impressed and whipped out the infamous and somewhat over-used phrase, “Do you know who I am?”

Upon finding out that she hadn’t been put on the guest list, the firey Colombian decided that it must have been her boss at RCN, Sergio Barbossa, who failed to invite her. As is par for the course in celebrity circles these days, her response was to vent her feelings on social networking site twitter.

“Sergio I have just realized that you only have bitterness, hate and evil in your heart towards me,” the ticked off socialite tweeted.

Unfortunately, poor Sergio had been doing all he could to get Cediel back on the guest list.

Looks like from now on things will be strictly business between the two.

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