Jessica Cediel ‘beheads’ beauty queen for new hosting role

Jessica Cediel will take over as new host of Colombian fashion and gossip program “Estilo RCN”. The new gig is a big change from her previous hosting role on “Muy Buenos Dias,” Colombia’s stupidest TV show.

However controversy has erupted as the hosting role had already been given to beauty queen Natalia Valenzuela Cutiva, but after a swift “beheading” of Cutiva, it is now in the hands of Cediel.

Cediel personally pleaded to the RCN directors to steal the job from the aspiring host Cutiva, claims Gossip website La Fiscalia.

Cediel hit back at the gossip on her Twitter account, saying it was the decision of the studio directors and she had nothing to do with the decision.

The beautiful host recently left morning program “Muy Buenos Dias,” allegedly due to a comment about her breasts.

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