It’s raining fish in northern Colombia!

rain fish

Rains of frogs, lice and locusts appear in the Bible, but it was a shower of tiny fish that fell in the northern Colombian municipality of Santo Tomas this Easter.

According to reports, the mini-miracle took place in the early hours of Sunday morning, when a number of fish – each only a few centimeters long – rained down from a mango tree in the town’s center, just minutes after a religious procession had passed.

Locals, who ran excitedly to collect the fallen fish, are convinced that the act was a “manifestation of God” and not someone playing a practical joke.

Santo Tomas resident, 61-year-old Nancy Fontalvo Polo, who has come forward as the only witness to the miraculous event, said, “I didn’t see anyone coming or going. It was a Christian sign. Whether it was a blessing or a warning, I will find out up there.”

The wondrous transformation of not bread but mangoes into fish has left the locals baffled, but many have kept the tiny creatures as a memory of the miracle.

“I’ve got mine in a jar of alcohol,” said resident Josefina Mejia, “It was something quite unexpected.”

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