Iron Maiden Bogota gig riot-free

colombia news - iron maiden

Iron Maiden played to a packed house in Bogota on Sunday night without any major unrest, online magazine Terra reported Monday.

The British heavy metal band’s third Colombian show was laden with police presence and security measures to ensure a smooth running of the show. The band’s previous Bogota concert in 2009 resulted in wild riots and numerous arrests. An extra 1000 policemen were standing guard and road closures around the stadium meant fans could leave Parque Simon Bolivar easily.

An estimated 8,000 fans recieved a commerative ticket this year, a token of appreciation from the band towards its Colombian fans.

This year there were no pyrotecnics to end the concert, however fans still left Parque Simon Bolivar happy.

Iron Maiden will take the stage next in Lima, Peru on Wednesday, followed by Sao Paolo, Brazil on Saturday.

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