Important FARC member released over procedural errors

The alleged right-hand man of slain FARC commander “Mono Jojoy” was released Friday after a judge ruled there had been procedural errors in his arrest.

Alleged guerrilla “Chucho” was arrested in October 2008 in the central Tolima department and had claimed he had been unlawfully detained. The judge agreed and ordered his immediate release.

According to the judge, “Chucho” was not properly notified on what charges he was arrested, which is obligatory under Colombian law.

Chucho, whose real name is Jose Marvel Zamora Perez, was convicted of rebellion, aggravated homicide, terrorism and kidnapping and was held in the Palogordo prison in Giron, a town in the northeastern Santander department.

It is the second time authorities fail to keep the guerrilla in jail; in 2001 he was released from jail because prosecutors failed to indict him within the legal terms.

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