I take my hat off to Jessica Cediel: Carolina Cruz

Colombia’s most ambitious former beauty queen, Carolina Cruz, went on record to take her “hat off to Jessica Cediel,” who was recently marred by a botched butt enhancement and now finds herself in the Colombian media hot seat.

In defense of the overwhelming attention Cediel has received from Colombia press and paparazzi, Cruz felt she should stand up for the Colombian cutie and explain just how exhausting and difficult it is to be an absolutely gorgeous Colombian woman.

In an interview with Cromos, a Colombian glamor magazine, Cruz said “I think that what she has done, not everyone can do…Jessica has become a role model for all women, especially those that dream of entering this industry. I think we all need to value ourselves and love ourselves, perfection does not exist.”

She goes on to say that the worst part of being a model “is to be famous, because people think that your life is perfect and you believe you have no right to be wrong. People never stop to think that you’re an ordinary human being.”

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