Hospital officials charged with aiding paramilitaries

Colombia’s Prosecuter General’s Office has filed charges against hospital executives in the north Colombian city of Valledupar for allegedly collaborating with now-demobilized paramilitary organization the AUC.

Angel Elieson Maya Daza, a former manager of the Rosario Pumarejo Hospital and the half-brother of the former chief of the Public Ministry, as well as Erika Patricia Duque Vega and Edison Eduardo Valle Martinez, two former mangement-level officials in the same hospital, are accused of aiding paramilitary groups that operated in the area by creatingfalse companies that were fronts to hide illicit activity.

The three accused were incriminated by former AUC commanders who say they were involved in the scheme.

The prosecution believes the investigation will reveal that the former hospital officials failed in their duties to protect public funds by unjustly allowing third parties to enjoy capital gains via the creation of the Dismed Ltda. and Ingemedical businesses, which allegedly were fronts for the illegal armed group operating the area.

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