Holy Virgin caught trafficking cocaine

Ecuadorean authorities seized two Colombian statues of the Holy Virgin filled with cocaine. The Mothers of God were on their way to Europe when their unholy load was detected by sniffer dogs.

According to local media, the two Virgins had been sent from Colombia and were to be mailed to Spain.

The two travelling statues, a “Mary Help of Christians” and an image of the “Immaculate Conception,” were seized in the Ecuadorean border town of Tulcan, after specially trained dogs discovered the statues were being used for sinful purposes.

“The alkaloid had been impregnated with some sort of rubber to fool police checks. But thanks to the work of the dogs we were able to detect this kind of drug despite the camouflage used,” a local policeman said.

The Immaculate Conception statue was carrying 4 kilos of cocaine, while the Mary Help of Christians had 1.2 kilos of the illicit drug in her belly

Anibal Diaz, clergy at the Tulcan Cathedral, told local media that the church condemns the use of images of the Virgin for drug-trafficking purposes.

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